Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gush! Gush! Gush!

My second date was last night. :) I took him out to a local restaurant by the river. (It was his birthday, so I planned something for him.) I really love how easy the conversation flows. Afterwards, we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. He kissed my hand three different times. Folks, this guy could seriously be a keeper!

On the scale front, I am down another 1.2 pounds. 171.8 this morning!!! Hey I will take it! I am certainly ready to say GOODBYE to the 170s!

I was talking with my friend Mandi on the way home from my date last night. I told her what I weighed, and she says, "You weigh less than Barbie." Barbie is the name we gave to her mother in college. She is gorgeous. I was floored that I weighed less than her. Good times!

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