Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Packing Update and A Funny Story

We have THIRTY-NINE boxes packed.  Twenty-one are from school, but we are only just touching the surface there.  Since we have our last GED class tonight, and I have a three hour training tomorrow night, we are going to pack up for about an hour and a half after school on Friday.  HH packed boxes while I was in my faculty meeting, and was happy as a lark when I walked in.  I started singing to him, "If you haven't complained by now, you ain't never ever gonna complain...."

Another thing I was thinking about as I packed yesterday....I've been sorting out what belongs to my school, and what is my personal property.  I work at a school where I am actually provided a lot of resources, yet as I was looking at is hardly anything.  They really are expecting so much for providing so little.  I know resources are not everything, but they DO matter. 

I am the world's worst for not letting kids watch a movie the entire way through.  I almost always break it up into twenty minute chunks here and there.  So yesterday we were watching another part of the Ruby Bridges story.  Ruby gets her report card, and she has all A's.  E says, "She is just like K, J, and (another) E."  To which L replies, "I get A's too."  Without missing a beat, D says, "Not in behavior."  I knew I should have corrected her, but I didn't.  I turned my head and chuckled to myself.

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