Friday, September 16, 2011

Trucking Along

I am glad it is Friday.  I've had a full week for sure! 

The "best" part of the week was Wednesday night...

I felt a jagged spot on one of my molars.  I had HH look at it to which he replies, "Oh my word."  Not what I wanted to hear.  His facial expressions didn't help.  He said that the tooth was gray and black.  I was at the dentist in January, so it has surfaced since this.  When I was getting ready for bed, I was brushing my teeth, and felt that about 1/3 of the tooth was gone.  I'm not in any pain, but I am worried about what they are going to do to it.  I don't mind a crown/root canal....but I don't want them to pull it.  I will be going on Monday to get it fixed.

I made this Pizza Dip recipe this week.

I've started this year doing a team building activity.  I'm really enjoying watching the kids interact with one another.  This week they had to design an advertisement for a vacation to the moon.  They were so creative and really did work together.

The girls are coming over to my house tomorrow night.  I have not decided what I'm going to make yet. 

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