Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pre-Holiday Catch Up

We surprised our friend who teaches at the Christian school with this....

One of the notes is about the surprise.  The other is an apology for somehow breaking a chair while we were organizing the stuff to put on the door.  We are a skilled group here.  :)

There has been a movie shown almost every single time I've been absent this year.  Needless to say, this drives me NUTS.  I plan way more stuff than they could possibly complete, and I will get back and never have a full set of anything done, but they were able to watch a movie.  I'm not anti movies in the classroom, but I do tend to show things they hae never seen....and could possibly turn them more into nerds like me.  At first, the kids are always resistant, but once they realize that is all they are going to get, they quickly get on board.  For example, we will be watching The Pact documentary towards the end of this week.  I got to meet these men when I bought their book. 

In effort to really emphasize just how much I don't want them watching movies (because writing it multiple times in my substitute plan isn't working), I turn off the computer (changed my login password too), and put up the big sign in the middle....all the other signs came out of the one in the middle in a matter of a few minutes at the very end of the day.  Enjoy!

A few of my students decided to protest....ok ONE.  He was a part of the 99 I believe.

On the way down to take our flight for vacation we say this rainbow.  It is a reminder of all the promises we have in God....especially the one right now that there are only eight days of school left.

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